Why we founded CLB?

We have been traveling around the world for a few years before we realized that there was always something missing. If we found a perfect place to stay there were always some details about our vacation that could have been better if we had more information.

Our careers made us cross paths and we decided to create something different and new. We are also rental homeowners thus we understand the difficulties you face with each season peek. We treat our homeowners as partners, and together we make experiences like none other.

How we do it?

Our experience in tourism gave us a perfect skill set to understand that we want to become a one-stop shop for visitors and partners for homeowners. We offer a high level of flexibility and constant communication.

We treat our guests and homeowners as equals and we will never stop trying to improve. Our team of individual experts is how we manage to make your requests possible.


We use multiple sales channels which include standard OTA platforms & wide partner network to provide homeowners with high visibility to potential guests. We are also seeking new and improved options non-stop because we understand that a standard option doesn’t always mean the best for everyone. 

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Our Partners

We teamed up with the most trusted companies in the travel industry. We provide a network that keeps both homeowners and visitors satisfied!


Partner 1

Partner 1

Partner 2

Partner 2

Partner 3

Partner 3

Partner 4

Partner 4